Lino Cuts
A selection of Linocut work
All images are © Emily Feaver
Prices range from £5 to £85
Maddy Asleep
Beachy Head
Hawthorn Tree
Crab Apple Jelly
Boy and Guitar
Couple at Cramond
Girl on Dunbar Quay
Love in a mistlinocut
Winter Chagford
December, telegraph pole, Zennorlinocut
November, Girl with guitarlinocut
September, Arthur and Maddielinocut
June, Boy and doglinocut
May, women batherslinocut
April, Malcolm's Lambslinocut
March, Kim shifting scalpingslinocut
February Windmill Rottingdeanlinocut
Worthing PierWorthing pier, London on Sea
Siesta in the Parc du Vendome
Women on the beach
Boy and the Look out House, Prussia Cove
holly and arthur cliff top
Cyclists, FranceLino cut
Cup of Snowdrops, grey
Bathers, Lee Baylino cut
japanese anemone
On Beacon HillLino cut
barbed wire snow
Boys in the snow, St Ives
Blackthorn blossom
Chasing pigeons, Pisa